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About Mammography

Mammography is a type of X-Ray imaging that plays an essential role in the early detection and screening of breast cancer.


Before the test

You should avoid wearing lotion, powder  or deodorants that contain Talcum Powder near your breasts on your test day, as you will be required to rinse it off prior to the examination. If your breasts experience tenderness prior to your menstrual period you should try to schedule your examination for a time when your breasts will not be tender. It is important to tell your physician if you have breast implants.


During the test

Prior to a mammogram, you will need to remove jewelry and metal objects. You will also be asked to remove clothing above the waist and put on a paper gown. During the examination, one of your breasts will be placed between X-Ray plates that will gradually compress. Screening Mammography Program of BC (Victoria clinic only),  2 images on each breast are taken.

Diagnostic Mammography (Victoria and Vancouver clinics), images are reviewed with a Radiologist and more than 2 views of each breast may be required. For some patients, the process can be mildly uncomfortable, but, compressing the breast tissue ensures clear images.


After the test


Once the test is completed, your breasts may be tender, however you should be able to return to your normal activities.


Your requisition form


To avoid delays on the day of your test, ensure that you bring your health card and your requisition. Also, confirm that your doctor included the following on your requisition form:

  • Patient full name, sex, date of birth

  • Physician name and signature




604-985-WCMI (9264) 

604-985-9267 (Fax) 


1-855-999-WCMI (9264) (Fax)

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